Merahin1001’s Blog

Just another weblog

#15(phase 1) – Clean out the garage. June 18, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — merahin1001 @ 1:55 pm

garagebefore The garage and the basement at my house have become a sort of “dumping” ground for everything I basically want out of my sight. My husband was constantly bringing home junk from schools that were about to be demolished and other odds and ends that I didn’t want/need/want or need to know about. Everytime we’d get a new piece of furniture, the old one would go into the garage. Everytime Adam would start woodworking project and not finish it, the half finished product would go into the garage. Tupperware containers filled with clothes, old toys, baby items, you name it, it was in there. Since we’re expecting our 3rd child and barely have room for the two we already have, I figured it was high time to get rid of all this extra stuff we are holding on to. An easy feat for me, not so easy for my husband.

dumpsterMy philosphy is more of a “wow, I didn’t even remember I had this. I guess I don’t need it and I should toss it.” Adam’s is “wow, I didn’t even remember I had this. Someday I might need it, I should hang onto it. For forever.” Luckily I managed to convince him to toss quite a few things, and we managed to fill up an entire 15 yard dumpster. Adam spent the better part of Friday, Saturday and Sunday working on it, inbetween his allergy attacks, but in the end we got rid of so much stuff and it was well worth it. We even managed to rid ourselves of a few things in the basement as well, but that’s mostly stuff that we need to keep, it just needs to be sorted and find a happy home.

garageafterI say “phase 1” is complete because there are some structural issues with the garage that need to be fixed. Some wood in the back needs to be replaced and a new downspout. Nothing too fancy, since eventually I’d love to tear the whole thing down and rebuild (or else sell and let the new owner worry about it), but enough to cover up the gaps.

In other 1,001 news, Jo and I are planning a New England trip for the first week in August. This will cover my visiting a state I’ve never been to, some museums, a national park, and hopefully we can manage to camp for at least 3 days as well. We plan to listen to a Jane Austen book on the trip so that will take care of one of those. I’m also currently reading The Magician’s Nephew the “new” first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series(apparently they reordered them for some strange reason). It’s a quick read, which is good. My attention span hasn’t been too hot lately. I’m halfway through Season 5 of Gilmore Girls AND, Adam has a doctor’s appointment July 22nd to get a referral to a urologist. Yay, no more kids! I did a bit of research about hot air ballooning but I think that will definitely have to wait until next summer. There’s a letterbox nearby that I want to try, I just need to find the time without the kids.

So far, so good, I think!


#93 – Go Geocaching June 5, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — merahin1001 @ 5:42 pm


After a walk in Wildwood Metropark and a picnic, Jo, Kenley,        Orwell and I attempted to find my first geocache. My GPS was being zero help so we abandoned it and followed the clue – that it was in the Manor Gardens and behind a knee high wall. After scouring the garden I finally found it tucked away under some bricks and cement blocks.  I was so excited!! I think I’m officially addicted.


#68 – Eat a veggie I’ve never tried before June 3, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — merahin1001 @ 1:50 am

Tonight I tried a veggie I’ve never eaten before – a jicama (pronounced HEE-kah-muh). I found it at Kroger and had no idea what it was so I had to do a bit of research. Apparently it’s quite popular in Mexico. I guess it’s usually eaten raw but we decided to add it to a stir fry. It sort of has the consistency and slight taste of an apple. It was pretty good but I don’t think it will become a regular part of my diet any time soon. Either way, the stir-fry was excellent and we watched some Doctor Who, so all in all a good night.

Now good night!